A friend of mine posted 10 things about herself and I thought it was a fun idea, so here are mine:
1. I played rugby in college…only for a semester. Wow…was that an experience. It’s a whole different culture that crowd. Those girls were the manliest girls I have ever met. My friend in college (who was all muscle by the way) convinced me to do it. For all you rugby aficionados (Greg gave me that word), I played a winger, but attempted to be a hooker one game.
2. I love to follow rules. Seriously. I am really uncomfortable when there are no boundaries. I tend to make up a lot of rules for our family. It drives Greg crazy. Although, I must have this weird persuasive power (or my rules are totally awesome), because he always follows them.
3. Going along with rules, I love order. Especially in games. My family makes fun of me because I am like a game rule Nazi. I know what’s going on every minute and with every person in a game. You don’t want to try and cheat while I am playing. I like to keep the stack of cards nice and clean, voices low, turns in order. You get the idea. When a question arises about the rules, it goes to me and I decide what’s best for the game. It is really exhausting keeping track of all aspects of the game, but someone’s got to do it, right? You can tell I am the life of the party !
4. I love being home. I am happier to rent a movie, pop our own popcorn (has to be Orville Redenbacher Natural Butter…you’ve got to try it), and chill on our own comfy couches than go pay $20 to see one at the theater. Plus…we always watch movies with the subtitles on so we can see what they are saying. I mean, you can’t get that at the theaters!
5. I don’t really like showering too much. I am on an every other day schedule. It takes way too long and I don’t think I really stink that much. At least, Greg has never told me I do. Do I???
6. I LOVE to eat. Seriously, I think about food A LOT during the day. My favorite food is pizza. I could eat that every night of the week. Strangely enough I really don’t enjoy cooking or baking.
7. First thing in the morning, I open up all the blinds. It makes me crazy to have a dark house. I would leave the blinds open at all times, but Greg makes me close them at night (especially when the lights are on and I am changing)…whatever!
8. I love to vacuum. I used to vacuum everyday. Now that I have 4 kids, I don’t have the time to do it. I think I love to vacuum because it immediately makes the house look cleaner and I do love a clean house. My son was using our little Shark vacuum in the kitchen and he said he loved the sound it makes when you suck up a piece of dirt. Awww…My thoughts exactly!
9. I make my own bread. I blame this on my mother in law. She got our family (me) a wheat grinder and Bosch for Christmas when we were first married. Seriously…I still can’t believe I make my own bread. I feel like such a Mormon! But, you’ve got to try it. Once you start, you can’t go back to that gross store bought bread!
10. I aspire to be a ballroom dancer. I know, long shot! Greg and I took lessons before we had kids and I just loved it. We’ve since stopped with all the kids around, but someday…although, I don’t know how those costumes will look with garments sticking out all over the place
There you have it. Hope this answers all those burning questions you've had all this time...