Saturday, March 7, 2009

Discovery Center Field Trip

Ava wasn't the happiest little camper.

We were a little concerned about this until we asked him what it was. He told us it was Hot Chocolate. Whew!!
Carson loved this little shopping area. He wasn't too happy about putting everything away though!
The man of steel on the bed of nails...
Who loves to watch their children learn???
This was the favorite center for the kids.

Greg kept finding all these exhibits that would shock you. I hate to be shocked but he kept insisting that it wasn't that big of a shock! Hayden was coerced only once....

Our eternal family!!! (minus Hayden)
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  1. Hey Jaylene, thanks for your comment on my blog! I'm glad to have found yours. My sister is in town visiting and she was at church with us today. In sacrament meeting, she pointed to Ava and said "That little girl is SOOO cute!" It's true...she is darling. Looks like you had fun at the discovery center. I've never been there...I'll have to try it!

  2. wow, Ava has teeth! Looks like a fun outing.
