Sunday, February 22, 2009

This One's For The Girls...

I just watched the best movie I have seen in a long time...maybe EVER! My sister-in-law is an avid reader so I ask her for book recommendations every so often. She told me about North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell. I put the book on hold but there is a long wait, so I rented the movie. It's done by BBC. Okay...LOVED it. It was SOOOOO romantic. I think I like it better than any of the Jane Austen movies. It's actually really similar to her themes. Pride, lack of communication, lovely outspoken girl, handsome know how it is! How have I not heard of Elizabeth Gaskell? I am really excited to read the book now. I wonder why I love these kind of love stories. Greg's theory is that I love them because I am living the story everyday!!! HA! I think I love them because it's this innocent, pure love. The man respects the's not about lust, you know? Anyway, we started the movie on Friday night (it's like 6 hours long so you need a little extra time on your hands) and then I finished them (without Greg) on Saturday morning. I couldn't wait for was that good! It's one of those movies (as my sister-in-law says) you watch over and over again and when it's over you just breathe and sigh...and then watch it over again!!!

1 comment:

  1. Greg, I think you need to step up in a certain area...
