So I decided to torture myself and take pictures of our kids. I've wanted to try it for a while now, but every time I thought about it doing it, I would talk myself out of it b/c I knew it wouldn't be a fun, pleasant experience. It actually wasn't as bad as I thought and I got a couple of nice photos. Of course, after I see them on the screen I have to criticize all the flaws in each picture. But for my first time, I was pleased that I got AT LEAST ONE.
I am trying to figure out the whole swapping heads process...I tried it in this photo, can you tell??
Shortly after this photo was taken, Ava was dragged to the ground and scraped her knee because the boys were trying to race ahead of each other. You gotta love boys!
This is my favorite assistant, Greg, helped me get everyone posed and happy.
This kid did the best for me the whole night...Sometimes, the unexpected happens!