Monday, May 11, 2009

Eight is Great

I can't believe it, but Hayden tells me it's true...He is 8 years old. We've kind of had a week long birthday celebration. Monday was his official bday, so I spent the day making treats for his class at school and lasagna for his bday dinner upon his request. We invited Grandma and Grandpa over for cake and presents that night. He received some exciting gifts (pocketknife...which I am not so sure he is old enough to use, scriptures, and cub scout stuff) and some not so exciting gifts (journal and children's songbook). He was a good sport about the boring gifts...

Then on Saturday we had a friends party for him. He got to invite 4 boys and we took them bowling, came back for pizza and cupcakes, had a tetherball tournament, played bump, and watched a movie with popcorn. The party was about 6 hours long, but it was one of the easiest parties I've ever thrown. Hayden was just so happy. I've never seen him smile so much! It was fun to watch him with his friends and hear what they talk about (burping, farting...not a big surprise I guess).

Going to his first scout activity...
The salute...notice the nice knot I tied with the neckerchief...Greg was not impressed. He told me I should've at least tried to tie a square knot or something.

Hayden is such a great kid. He is THE perfect first child. He has always been so obedient and kind. He has a tender heart and has always been affectionate and willing to express his feelings with us. We are so proud of what a wonderful boy he is. He is such a great example to his brothers and others. We are so grateful he is our son.

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