I remember when Hayden was born and we left the hospital and buckled him in the car. Greg and I just looked at each other like, "I can't believe they are letting us take this baby home...we don't know what the heck we are doing!" I read a lot of books about how to take care of a baby, but nothing really prepares you for your own. I never knew how much I could love someone who I hardly knew! Hayden has always had such a sweet and gentle spirit about him. He is kind, sensitive, and happy (don't know how he'll feel about me describing him this way) and such a great example to his siblings. He has been a really easy child to raise....so far! He reminds me a lot of Greg's personality and I really hope that he will turn out just like his Dad. We love him so much and feel so lucky to have him as our son. Happy 10th Birthday Hayden!

These pictures make me a little sad because it's hard to see him so grown up! He is a lot of fun to hang out with these days. He asks everyday if we can stay up to play games. He loves to play Settlers of Catan and he manages to win most of the time! It's fun to have another friend in the house.
He still gives me hugs in public...what a sweet boy!