Thursday, September 23, 2010

I Don't Know Anything...

The more I learn about editing in photoshop elements, the less I feel like I know.  It's a little overwhelming.  But I love learning new techniques and the latest thing I've found is textures.  I think they are pretty fun.  

Carson's first day of preschool!  It's still amazing to me to discover how different each child handles the same situation.  I remember two years ago when Jason first went to preschool.  I had to pry him from my leg and practically run away so he couldn't hold onto me.  He struggled everyday until about 6 months into the school year.  Then, he finally decided it was okay to stay without me.  I remember just being so worried everyday that I dropped him off..wondering if that would be the day that he would be "adjusted."  Carson, on the other hand, ran into the class and has just LOVED being in school.  I think he was pre-adjusted. He just loves feeling like a big kid...FINALLY! 

He just keeps getting more and more fun.  The kids can get him to laugh now, so the comedian acts come out a lot around here.  Most of them are too rough for this little guy so I have to put a stop to them but he is VERY LOVED.

These two have become such great playmates.  Carson gets pretty bummed when Ava has to take a nap.  It's pretty peaceful during the day.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Jason and Sara's Family Pictures

I took my brother's family pictures a few weeks ago.  I was so nervous to do it.  When they drove up looking all dressed up and cute, I seriously thought I was going to throw up I was so nervous.  But...I did end up having a great time (especially once I knew they liked their pictures).  These are some of my favorites.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New 'Do For the Little Dude

I finally let Greg cut his hair...I was a little sad about it.  But I do think he looks SO handsome now.

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

What kind of mother gets her kids to school too late to take pictures on the first day?   That would be ME!  So I took the kids over to the school on the second day after school and took some "first day" pictures.

I am sad about him being a first grader.  I struggle more when they go to 1st grade than Kindergarten.  I miss him at home!

He was not happy about being photographed.  This smile came after I threatened to take pictures of him all night long!

It's nice to have Hayden there to look after his brother!