The more I learn about editing in photoshop elements, the less I feel like I know. It's a little overwhelming. But I love learning new techniques and the latest thing I've found is textures. I think they are pretty fun.
Carson's first day of preschool! It's still amazing to me to discover how different each child handles the same situation. I remember two years ago when Jason first went to preschool. I had to pry him from my leg and practically run away so he couldn't hold onto me. He struggled everyday until about 6 months into the school year. Then, he finally decided it was okay to stay without me. I remember just being so worried everyday that I dropped him off..wondering if that would be the day that he would be "adjusted." Carson, on the other hand, ran into the class and has just LOVED being in school. I think he was pre-adjusted. He just loves feeling like a big kid...FINALLY!
He just keeps getting more and more fun. The kids can get him to laugh now, so the comedian acts come out a lot around here. Most of them are too rough for this little guy so I have to put a stop to them but he is VERY LOVED.
These two have become such great playmates. Carson gets pretty bummed when Ava has to take a nap. It's pretty peaceful during the day.