Just a quick explanation about how Greg and I celebrate bdays so when you look at these pictures you are not disgusted or sad for the way we celebrate. I do not like surprises. I would rather just tell Greg what I want, so that he gets it right the first time. I don't think that bdays (especially mine) are that big of a deal and I don't like people making a big deal about it. Greg has similar feelings and sentiments about bdays also, so we're a perfect match.
My "party"....Notice the log cake....it's really a caramel corn on the cob freebie from Greg's work. See...it's a good thing I am not sentimental about my bday...I don't know if most women would've let this fly!
Greg's "party"....He's even less sentimental than me. But, you'll notice he at least has a cake instead of a log. We also have to specify to the kids that the blue candles stand for "10" and the white ones are "ones." I don't think we have enough candles anymore to put more than 30 on a cake. (I apologize for the naked kid in the picture. I swore I would never take a picture with a kid in a diaper...but I am becoming more and more white trash as I get older)
So, Ava likes to dress up. The only problem is, she dresses up with the boys stuff. She came down one day dressed like this and I just have to worry if she'll turn out girly or not. She's got all the boy noises down already. She needs to start playing with other girls....and soon!
Carson turned 4 in December. He has seriously mellowed out from when he was 3 years old. Does anyone else remember the stories about this kid? He is so fun to have around and asks all sorts of funny questions. I love having him home with me!